Welcome to the Community of Mission Information Workers!

Information for Christian mission. Data, research, knowledge, wisdom: all for Christian mission. If you are interested, this site is for you, and you don’t have to be a trained expert. Some people in our community gather data and information, some store it, others visualize it, many use it, all are learners. Explore the site, dive in, and contribute. Welcome!


Meeting of Mission Information Workers at L4

Notes from the meeting of MIW sponsored by the Lausanne Research and Strategic Information Network at the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (L4) in Seoul, South Korea, 2024. More information go HERE


Visit our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@cmiwglobal

Dear MIW, all of the formal sessions from MIWvCon 2024 are now available on CMIW’s YouTube channel. We have 2022, 2023 and 2024 available, each conference is grouped as a “playlist”, but you can select an individual session to listen to. (If you are busy, you can even listen at a higher speed!).